Source code for mathslib.numtheory

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Various Number Theory functions

Author: Igor van Loo
import math
from .primes import prime_sieve
from .simple import extended_euclidean_algorithm

[docs]def phi(n): ''' Implementation of `Eulers Totient Function <>`_ counts the positive integers up to a given integer n that are relatively prime to n :param n: An integer :returns: An integer, numbers, a, less than n, such that gcd(a, n) = 1 .. code-block:: python print(phi(20)) #8 print(phi(100)) #40 ''' if (type(n) != int): return "All values must be integers" if n == 1: return 1 phi = 1 d = 2 while n > 1: count = 0 while n % d == 0: count += 1 n /= d if count > 0: phi *= (pow(d, count - 1)*(d-1)) d = d + 1 if d*d > n: if n > 1: phi *= int(n - 1) break return phi
[docs]def phi_sieve(n): ''' A sieve for `Eulers Totient Function <>`_ which counts the positive integers up to a given integer n that are relatively prime to n :param n: An integer :returns: An array, where array[x] = phi(x) .. code-block:: python print(phi_sieve(10)) #[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4] print(phi_sieve(20)[11:]) #[10, 4, 12, 6, 8, 8, 16, 6, 18, 8] ''' phi = [i for i in range(n + 1)] for p in range(2, n + 1): if phi[p] == p: phi[p] -= 1 for i in range(2*p, n + 1, p): phi[i] -= (phi[i] // p) return phi
[docs]def phi_sum(n): ''' Computes the `Totient Summatory Function <>`_ The algorithm is based on `Overview of Project Euler Problem 351 <>`_ specifically, this is an implementation of Algorithm 6, which you may view after Solving Problem 351 :param n: An integer :returns: sum of phi(x) where x goes from 1 to n .. code-block:: python print(phi_sum(10**4)) #30397486 print(sum(phi(i) for i in range(1, 10**4 + 1))) #30397486 print(sum(phi_sieve(10**4))) #30397486 ''' L = int(math.sqrt(n)) v = [0]*(L + 1) bigV = [0]*(n//L + 1) for x in range(1, L + 1): res = (x*(x + 1))//2 for g in range(2, int(math.sqrt(x)) + 1): res -= v[x//g] for z in range(1, int(math.sqrt(x)) + 1): if x//z != z: res -= (x//z - x//(z + 1))*v[z] v[x] = res for x in range(n//L, 0, -1): k = n//x res = (k*(k + 1))//2 for g in range(2, int(math.sqrt(k)) + 1): if k//g <= L: res -= v[k//g] else: res -= bigV[x*g] for z in range(1, int(math.sqrt(k)) + 1): if z != k//z: res -= (k//z - k//(z + 1))*v[z] bigV[x] = res return bigV[1]
[docs]def mobius(n): ''' Implementation of the `Mobius function <>`_ of n :param n: An integer :returns: An integer .. code-block:: python print(Mobius(10)) #1 - 10 = 2*5, therefore μ(10) = (-1)*(-1) = 1 print(Mobius(9)) #0 - Divisble by 3*3 print(Mobius(7)) #-1 - 7 is prime therefore μ(7) = -1 .. note:: * returns 0 if n is divisible by p^2, where p is a prime * returns (-1)^k, where k is number of distinct prime factors ''' if (type(n) != int): return "All values must be integers" if n == 1: return 1 d = 2 num_of_primes = 0 while n > 1: while n % d == 0: num_of_primes += 1 if n % (d*d) == 0: return 0 n /= d d = d + 1 if d*d > n: if n > 1: num_of_primes += 1 break return pow(-1, num_of_primes)
[docs]def mobius_k_sieve(limit, k = 2): ''' A sieve for the Generalized `Mobius function <>`_, the mathematics of this function can be read in the following `PDF <>`_ Note that when k = 2 we get the normal mobius function shown above. :param limit: An integer :param k: Optional integer, default value is 2 which gives a regular mobius sieve :returns: An array where array[x] = μ(k, x) .. code-block:: python print(mobius_k_sieve(10)) #[0, 1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1] print(mobius_k_sieve(10, 3)) #[0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1] ''' isprime = [1]*(limit + 1) isprime[0] = isprime[1] = 0 mob = [0] + [1]*(limit) for p in range(2, limit + 1): if isprime[p]: mob[p] *= -1 for i in range(2*p, limit + 1, p): isprime[i] = 0 mob[i] *= -1 sq = pow(p, k) if sq <= limit: for j in range(sq, limit + 1, sq): mob[j] = 0 return mob
[docs]def count_k_free(n, k): ''' A function that counts the integers ≤ n which are k-power free. count_k_free(n, 2) would count the number of squarefree integers. The mechanics of this function come from this `PDF <>`_ :param n: An integer :param k: An integer :returns: The number of integers ≤ n which are k-power free From `Project Euler Problem 193 <>`_ .. code-block:: python print(count_k_free(2**50, 2)) #684465067343069 ''' sq = math.floor(n**(1/k)) mobius_k = mobius_k_sieve(sq) return sum([mobius_k[i]*(n//pow(i, k)) for i in range(1, sq + 1)])
[docs]def pythagorean_triples(limit, non_primitive = True): ''' Generates all `Pythagorean Triplets <>`_ up to the limit :param limit: An integer, will generate all Pythagorean Triplets such that no side is longer than the limit :param non_primitive: Optional boolean value, If True, returns all triplets, if False returns only primitive triplets :returns: A list containing all desired triplets .. code-block:: python print(pythagorean_triples(20)) #[[3, 4, 5], [6, 8, 10], [9, 12, 15], [12, 16, 20], [5, 12, 13], [15, 8, 17]] print(pythagorean_triples(20, False)) #[[3, 4, 5], [5, 12, 13], [15, 8, 17]] print(len(pythagorean_triples(100, False))) #16 ''' if (type(limit) != int): return "All values must be integers" triples = [] for m in range(2,int(math.sqrt(limit))+1): for n in range(1 + m % 2, m, 2): if math.gcd(m,n) == 1: a = m**2 + n**2 b = m**2 - n**2 c = 2*m*n if a < limit: if non_primitive: for k in range(1,int(limit/a)+1): triples.append([k*b,k*c,k*a]) else: triples.append([b,c,a]) return triples
[docs]def count_primitive_pythagorean_triples(n): ''' Function counts the number of primitive `Pythagorean Triplets <>`_ with hypotenuse less than n. Algorithm is adapted from the following paper `Pythagorean triangles with legs less than n <>`_ :param n: An integer :returns: Number of primitive Pythagorean triplets with hypotenuse less than n .. code-block:: python print(count_primitive_pythagorean_triples(10**10)) #1591549475 print(count_primitive_pythagorean_triples(10**8)) #15915493 .. note:: Due to some precision errors the answer can somtimes be a few numbers off for example the correct answer for n = 10^8 is actually 15915492, one less than what my function gives. ''' if (type(n) != int): return "All values must be integers" mu = mobius_k_sieve(int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1) R_cache = {} def R(n): if n in R_cache: return R_cache[n] c = 0 for x in range(int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1): min_y, max_y = x + 1, int(math.sqrt(n - x*x)) if max_y < min_y: break c += max_y - min_y + 1 R_cache[n] = c return c def Q(n): total = 0 m = math.sqrt(n) for d in range(1, int(m) + 1): total += mu[d] * R(n // (d*d)) return total c = 0 k = 0 while 2**k <= n: x = Q(n // pow(2, k)) c += pow(-1, k) * x k += 1 return c
[docs]def legendre_factorial(x): ''' Implementation of `Legendres' Formula <>`_ :param x: An integer :returns: A dictionary containing the prime factorisation of x! .. code-block:: python print(legendre_factorial(6)) #{2: 4, 3: 2, 5: 1} ''' if (type(x) != int): return "All values must be integers" primes = prime_sieve(x) prime_fac = {} for y in primes: total = 0 for i in range(1, int(math.floor(math.log(x,y))) + 1): total += int(math.floor(x/(y**i))) prime_fac[y] = total return prime_fac
[docs]def k_smooth_numbers(max_prime, limit): ''' Find all k ≤ max_prime `smooth numbers <>`_ up to the limit :param max_prime: The maximum prime allowed :param limit: limit up till which to find max_prime smooth numbers :returns: A list containing all k ≤ max_prime smooth numbers less that limit From `Project Euler Problem 204 <>`_ .. code-block:: python print(len(k_smooth_numbers(5, 10**8))) #1105 ''' if (type(max_prime) != int) or (type(limit) != int): return "All values must be integers" k_s_n = [1] p = prime_sieve(max_prime) while len(p) != 0: temp_k_s_n = [] curr_p = p.pop(0) power_limit = int(math.log(limit, curr_p)) + 1 curr_multiples = [curr_p**x for x in range(1, power_limit + 1)] for x in curr_multiples: for y in k_s_n: temp = x*y if temp <= limit: temp_k_s_n.append(temp) k_s_n += temp_k_s_n return k_s_n
[docs]def k_powerful(k, limit, count = True): ''' Find all `k-powerful numbers <>`_ less than or equal to upper_bound. Inspired by `Rosetta <>`_ :param k: k, representing k-powerful :param limit: limit up till which to k-powerful numbers :param count: Optional, Boolean :returns: if count is True, it counts the number of k-powerful numbers, otherwise it will return them as a list .. code-block:: python print(kpowerful(2, 10^2)) #14 print(kpowerful(2, 10^2, False)) #[1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 36, 49, 64, 72, 81, 100] ''' def prime_powers(k, limit): ub = int(math.pow(limit, 1/k) + .5) res = [(1,)] for p in prime_sieve(ub): a = [p**k] u = limit // a[-1] while u >= p: a.append(a[-1]*p) u //= p res.append(tuple(a)) return res ps = prime_powers(k, limit) l = len(ps) def generate(primeIndex, ub): if count: res = 0 else: res = [] for p in ps[primeIndex]: u = ub//p if not u: break if count: res += 1 else: res += [p] for j in range(primeIndex + 1, l): if u < ps[j][0]: break if count: res += generate(j, u) else: res += [p*x for x in generate(j, u)] return res if count: return generate(0, limit) else: return sorted(generate(0, limit))
[docs]def legendre_symbol(a, p): ''' Finds the `legendre symbol <>`_ of a/p :param a: An integer :param p: An odd prime :results: The legendre symbol of a/p .. code-block:: python print(legendre_symbol(3, 3)) #0 print(legendre_symbol(10, 31)) #1 print(legendre_symbol(2, 11)) #-1 .. note:: * returns 1 if a is a quadratic residue modulo p and p does not divide a * returns -1 if a is a non-quadratic residue modulo p * returns 0 if p divides a ''' if (type(a) != int) or (type(p) != int): return "All values must be integers" if p == 2: return "p must be an odd prime" t = pow(a, (p-1)//2, p) if t == p - 1: return -1 return t
[docs]def tonelli_shanks(a, p): ''' Implementation of `Tonelli Shanks algorithm <>`_ Full credit for this alogrithm goes to `Eli Bendersky <>`_ :param a: An integer :param p: An integer :returns: solution to x^2 = a (mod p) .. code-block:: python print(tonelli_shanks(5, 41)) #28 .. note:: This function solves the congruence of the form x^2 = a (mod p) and returns x. Note that p - x is also a root. 0 is returned if no square root exists for these a and p. ''' if legendre_symbol(a, p) != 1: return 0 elif a == 0: return 0 elif p == 2: return 0 elif p % 4 == 3: return pow(a, (p + 1)//4, p) s = p - 1 e = 0 while s % 2 == 0: s /= 2 e += 1 s = int(s) n = 2 while legendre_symbol(n, p) != -1: n += 1 x = pow(a, (s + 1)//2, p) b = pow(a, s, p) g = pow(n, s, p) r = e while True: t = b m = 0 for m in range(r): if t == 1: break t = pow(t, 2, p) if m == 0: return x gs = pow(g, 2**(r - m - 1), p) g = (gs * gs) % p x = (x * gs) % p b = (b * g) % p r = m
[docs]def chinese_remainder_theorem(a1, a2, n1, n2): ''' Simple `Chinese Remiander Theorem <>`__ to solve x = a1 mod n1, x = a2 mod n2 :param a1: An integer :param a2: An integer :param n1: An integer :param n2: An integer :returns: Unique solution to x = a1 mod n1, x = a2 mod n2 .. code-block:: python #We solve x = 2 mod 3 = 3 mod 5 = 2 mod 7 #First we solve x = 2 mod = 3 mod 5 print(chinese_remainder_theorem(2, 3, 3, 5)) #8 #Then we solve x = 8 mod 15 = 2 mod 7 print(chinese_remainder_theorem(8, 2, 15, 7)) #23 ''' if (type(a1) != int) or (type(a2) != int) or (type(n1) != int) or (type(n2) != int): return "All values must be integers" if a1 > n1 or a2 > n2: return "Wrong values were input" #x = a1 (mod n1) #x = a2 (mod n2) #We find p = n1^-1 (mod n2), q = n2^-1 (mod n1) p, q = pow(n1, -1, n2), pow(n2, -1, n1) #The unique solution to this system is a1*q*n2 + a2*p*n1 % n1*n2 return (a1*q*n2+ a2*p*n1) % (n1*n2)
[docs]def generalised_CRT(a1, a2, n1, n2): ''' A generalised `Chinese Remiander Theorem <>`__ which solves for non-coprime moduli :param a1: An integer :param a2: An integer :param n1: An integer :param n2: An integer :returns: Unique solution to x = a1 mod n1, x = a2 mod n2 .. code-block:: python print(generalised_CRT(2, 3, 3, 5)) #8, note that we can use ChineseRemainderTheorem function for this case print(generalised_CRT(2, 4, 4, 6)) #10 print(generalised_CRT(3, 4, 4, 6)) #'No solution' ''' g, u, v = extended_euclidean_algorithm(n1, n2) if g == 1: return (a1*v*n2 + a2*u*n1) % (n1*n2) M = (n1*n2)//g if a1 % g != a2 % g: return "No solution" return ((a1*v*n2 + a2*u*n1)//g) % M
[docs]def frobenius_number(*integers): ''' Generates the `Frobenius Number <>`_ for given integers. The below algorithm is based on `Faster Algorithms for Frobenius Numbers <>`_ specifically, this is an implementation of their Breadth-First Method which you may find on page 9 :param: integers :returns: Frobenius number .. code-block:: python3 print(frobenius_number(3, 5)) #7 print(frobenius_number(6, 9, 20)) #43 print(frobenius_number(1000, 1476, 3764, 4864, 4871, 7773)) #47350 ''' #Set is first sorted A = sorted(integers) #Initalize n value for future reference n = len(A) #Initalize a1 and an for readability a1 = A[0] an = A[n - 1] #Step 1 #Initalize FIFO queue Q = [0] #Initalize P P = [0]*a1 P[0] = n #Initalize S, label vector, in which each currently known minimal path weight to a vertex is stored. S = [a1*an]*a1 S[0] = 0 #initalize Amod Amod = [a % a1 for a in A] #Step 2 while len(Q) != 0: #Step 2a v = Q.pop(0) #Remove the head of Q and set it to the vertex v #Step 2b for j in range(2, P[v] + 1): #Step 2bi u = v + Amod[j - 1] if u >= a1: u -= a1 #Step 2bii w = S[v] + A[j - 1] #Step 2biii if w < S[u]: S[u] = w P[u] = j if u not in Q: Q.append(u) #Step 3 return max(S) - a1
[docs]def continued_fraction(x): ''' Finds the `continued Fraction <>`_ of the sqrt(x) :param x: An integer :returns: A list containing the continued fraction of x .. code-block:: python print(continued_fraction(19)) #[4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 8] .. note:: The continued fraction may repeat forever, the code stops once it repeats, otherwise once we find the 100th number in the continued fraction ''' if (type(x) != int): return "All values must be integers" m0 = 0 d0 = 1 a0 = math.floor(math.sqrt(x)) #These are the starting values temp_list = [a0] while True: mn = int(d0*a0 - m0) dn = int((x - mn**2)/d0) an = int(math.floor((math.sqrt(x) + mn) / dn)) #new values temp_list.append(an) if an == 2*math.floor(math.sqrt(x)): break if len(temp_list) == 100: break m0 = mn d0 = dn a0 = an #Replace values return temp_list
[docs]def overall_fraction(cf): ''' :param cf: A list, this list represents the continued fraction of a number :returns numerator: An integer, the numerator of the fraction :returns denominator: An integer, the denominator of the fraction .. code-block:: python print(overall_fraction([4, 2, 6, 7])) #(415, 93) ''' cf = cf[::-1] denominator = 1 numerator = cf[0] for x in range(1,len(cf)): numerator, denominator = cf[x]*numerator + denominator, numerator return numerator, denominator